Monday, 5 November 2012

Is Egypt safe for tourists

The FCO website upgraded its travel advice for Egypt last Friday which has naturally led to a lot of tourists and prospective tourists asking if Egypt is a safe place to travel to.

Although the actual update was specific to certain parts of Sinai (Northern) which nearly all tourists will not go to or need to go to, unfortunately given past events in Egypt over the last couple of years and also elsewhere in the Middle East, any change in the advice is not good for Egypt.

The debates on trip advisor have raged on with the usual, "it wont change my plans" as well as some suggesting that they would not go on holidays already booked.

In the world we live in, with all its various threats means that the FCO is duty bound to issue changes and upgrades when it receives information of a possible new threat. However if you look at the advice for virtually any country, the terms general or high threat of terrorism appear (France, Germany and Spain were three that I checked).

So what to do? although there have been several past attacks on tourists, Egypt is generally a very safe place and whilst there is no guarantee of anything, I don't think that anyone travelling to any tourist resort should be worried by the new advice.

If however anyone does need any further information then please do not hesitate to contact me on 0845 680 9261 or email me at

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